The New Age of Brand Storytelling: Cashing in on Social Channels

In today’s multi-screen world, brand storytelling can be difficult. It is especially challenging for brands targeting Generation Z and millennials, who have been dubbed the most elusive demographics for marketers in recent history.  Marketers are constantly working multiple social media platforms and tweaking digital strategies because a solid brand story can bring reader engagement, a connection with the audience and a flux of revenue.

Influencer marketing is a coveted tactic for brands in order to connect with millennials and Gen Z. Brands are increasingly aware of the value of aligning with contemporary celebrities–social media stars–to help shape their story and image. Because content creators are known for their personalities as much as what they create, the brand can mirror the qualities of the star. For example, Michelle Phan “shouting out” Jane Ireland’s natural beauty products in her content adds a chapter into the brand’s story: Jane Ireland cosmetics cater to trendy fashionistas in addition to au naturale consumers. A single post from the right influencer not only adds to a brand’s image but can also drive thousands of dollars in revenue for the brand.

At Karbo Com, we recognize the importance of placing our clients in this arena. For example, we work with VigLink, a leading content-driven commerce company, to ensure we work with publishers/influencers as collaborators.  Whether it be exchanging friendly tweets or speaking at conference panels together, VigLink and social media publishers such as Tyler Blake and PurseBlog, work together for creative opportunities and build symbiotic relationships.  With due diligence, we align our clients with the appropriate influencers in the digital space in order to enhance their online presence and public image.

What differentiates a social media star from the traditional celebrity? Transparency.  Social media stars have become famous for their authentic selves rather than characters from fictitious worlds. Therefore, followers have a friend-like experience each time they engage with content created by these influencers. Brands attempt to tap into this dynamic in order to interact with followers implicitly and convert them to consumers. An “implicit” interaction is imperative because millennials and Gen Z immediately recognize (and are offput by) traditional modes of marketing and advertising. Social media stars offer brands a unique chance to seamlessly plug into the world of millennials. By speaking to them in their own “language”, brands directly engage with these highly sought-after demographics without abrasively advertising to them.

