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An Executive’s Guide to Acing Media Interviews

Whether you’re a top executive or an expert in your field, acing media interviews is essential for establishing a positive public image, securing future thought leadership opportunities, and reinforcing your company’s most important brand messages. In this blog post, we’ll provide valuable insights into what journalists are looking for in media interviews, discuss common interview challenges, and offer specific interview tips for executives.


What journalists are looking for in media interviews

As the news landscape becomes even more competitive, journalists are looking for new ways to inform and engage their readers. This means they seek unique perspectives when interviewing spokespeople. Offering a distinctive and authentic perspective that challenges prevailing media narratives will likely attract more attention from reporters. Incorporating these insights into your interview strategy can help ensure that your message stands out and resonates with journalists and their audiences.

In addition, journalists value spokespeople who can simplify complex topics. This means removing all jargon in press interviews. Using colorful analogies to explain the significance of a complex topic or issue can be particularly helpful in making your message accessible and engaging to a wider audience.

Journalists require spokespeople to be well-versed in the topic at hand, which means deeply understanding the subject matter, including relevant facts, figures, and trends. To meet this requirement, stay up-to-date on industry news, research, and breaking developments. Also, be prepared to provide detailed explanations, examples, and context during interviews to establish credibility and demonstrate expertise.

Journalists are drawn to spokespeople who bring the story to life in a genuine way. It’s critical to sound authentic rather than rehearsed or robotic. This means speaking naturally as if you’re having a conversation with a friend or family member. Avoiding overly technical jargon or marketing speak can also help you sound more relatable. Instead, use everyday language and illustrate your points with colorful anecdotes.


Common interview challenges

Even the most seasoned professionals can face challenges during media interviews. First and foremost, nervousness and stage fright can undermine your ability to deliver your messages effectively. It’s essential to manage your anxiety through preparation and practice. Additionally, staying on message can be difficult, especially when faced with probing questions or tangential topics. Anticipating potential challenges and having a plan in place will help you stay focused and articulate. Lastly, handling difficult or unexpected questions requires composure and a strategic approach. You can navigate challenging interview moments with poise by staying calm, listening attentively, and addressing concerns directly.


Preparing for the interview

When preparing for an interview, it’s beneficial to first approach it from a journalist’s perspective. Begin by researching the journalist and their publication to gain insight into their audience and reporting needs. For example, if you’re engaging with a journalist who covers venture capital with a special focus on the biotech industry, you can infer that their readers likely include VC partners investing in biotech, as well as founders and executives from biotech companies. After you understand their audience and what matters to them, carefully review the reporter’s coverage to understand the underlying themes in their reporting. For instance, when profiling emerging startups, what are the key areas they focus on? Do they dive into the business model, founding story, what’s driving the VC funding, and is news always required? Beyond understanding the audience and reporting themes, it’s also important to research the reporter’s personal interests, as finding genuine personal connections can help build natural rapport. Understanding these aspects will not only help you strategically tailor your messages but also build valuable relationships with reporters.

Following the research phase, you will need to familiarize yourself with the interview topic and gather key facts, timely data, and relevant examples. This step is important for adding depth to your responses and ensuring they are well-informed. Start by reading the latest news pertaining to the interview topic. Next, consider the reporter’s audience interests and reporting styles and tailor your messaging accordingly. From there, gather key data points to add further credibility to your line of messaging. This is especially effective when the data demonstrates a specific pain point or market need that aligns with your messaging. If relevant, sprinkle in colorful customer examples or share insights from your ecosystem, as appropriate.


Crafting key messages

Ahead of the interview, it’s essential to identify the core talking points you want to convey in conversation with a reporter. Reporters are looking for the three C’s in spokespeople responses—colorcustomization and conflict.

Color: Use memorable and vivid anecdotes or analogies to illustrate your points effectively. For example, make a company overview rich and memorable by leading with an impactful customer story that illustrates the pain your company is solving and why it’s essential now. You will also want to consider keeping a customer story list on file to reference in future media interviews.

Customization: Tailor your messages based on the reporter’s beat and audience needs. Understanding their perspective and tailoring your language and examples accordingly can make your presence more impactful in media interviews. For example, you can pinpoint and share localized customer examples in interviews with local reporters or local broadcast stations.

Conflict: Address the conflict in the story. Acknowledge existing market challenges and back this up with timely and relevant statistics. When addressing conflict in your company’s context, think of the challenges your company set out to solve and why it matters now. When answering why now, evaluate recent industry news that ties back to the existing conflict and reference it in your response.

After you’ve identified your key messages, practice your delivery and tone. In interviews, it’s important to maintain a steady conversation flow. You can achieve this by avoiding long-winded responses that may lose a reporter’s interest. Instead, aim for a conversational tone with a bit of banter to keep the interaction lively.


Body language, non-verbal communication and dressing the part

During your interview, pay attention to your body language, as this can impact how you are perceived by journalists. Maintaining eye contact with the reporter is important to show you are listening and paying attention. One trick is placing a red dot or sticker next to your computer camera. Staring at the red dot or sticker can help you focus and maintain perfect eye contact. You will also want to be conscious of your body posture, ensuring you are sitting or standing upright with an open posture. This means sitting or standing with your arms at your side and only using your hands when emphasizing important points.

Using appropriate gestures and facial expressions can help enhance your message. For example, nodding or smiling occasionally is only appropriate if it’s genuine. Don’t overdo it, or it can appear to be unauthentic.

It’s important to dress appropriately and ensure that the right background and lighting are set up before an interview. Wear colors that complement your features. Avoid wearing busy prints, white, black, or red for broadcast interviews. Blues and pastels look best on camera. Keep your backdrop simple and clean, and free of any clutter. Opt for a solid background featuring a piece of art, if possible. Imagine if a reporter were to snap a photo of you and the background – is it a photo you would be happy with?


Handling difficult questions

When faced with difficult questions in an interview, it’s important to handle them with care. Start by listening carefully to the question, making sure you fully understand it before responding. Take a pause if needed to gather your thoughts. If the question is particularly challenging, consider using the bridging technique to steer the conversation back to your key messages. For example, “Sure, some customers ask us that, but the most popular requested feature is…” Using the bridging technique will help you stay on message and maintain control in the interview.


Practicing and rehearsing

To prepare for interviews, start by working with your PR team and conduct mock interviews. These practice interviews can help you become more comfortable and confident. Using video recordings from media training sessions can also help you improve your performance by pinpointing areas of opportunity to address ahead of future interviews. Seeking feedback from trusted individuals can also help you further refine your media interview skills.

Mastering the art of media interviews is an ongoing process that requires practice, preparation, and continued learning. By understanding journalists’ expectations, overcoming common challenges, and implementing the provided interview tips, you can navigate media interviews and effectively communicate your message with confidence. Remember, building positive relationships with the media and maintaining a consistent presence will contribute to long-term success in media engagements for your brand. Embrace these opportunities, stay persistent, and watch your expertise shine through every media interview.

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The Bottom Line on ROI-Driven B2B Communications and the Importance of Share of Voice

As fiscal scrutiny intensifies in response to challenging economic climates, the onus is on marketing and PR functions to not only justify their budgets but also to demonstrate their direct contribution to the bottom line. With the power to deliver brand equity and improved market positioning, public relations and communications are poised to meaningfully support financial performance. The B2B tech industry is marked by intricate decision-making processes, extended sales cycles, and relentless innovation. In such an environment, B2B tech communications transcend mere media outreach, evolving into pivotal tools for shaping market perceptions, establishing thought leadership, and forging deep connections with key stakeholders. This blog explores the critical linkage between share of voice (SOV), ROI, and tangible business outcomes that drive sustained success in the B2B tech market.


Share of Voice: A Metric of Market Presence

There is a study called the “Share of Voice Rule”, which says: “Brands that set their Share of Voice (SOV) above their share of market (SOM) tend to grow (all other factors being equal), and those that set SOV below SOM tend to shrink. In fact, specifically, in B2B, 10% ESOV lifts market share by 0.7% points per year. Over time, as you win SOV, you will win SOM. (Binet & Field).

Share of Voice (SOV) stands as a critical indicator of a brand’s market visibility and competitive stance. It serves not only as a measure of brand awareness performance, but also as a strategic guide for future actions. In the realm of B2B technology, where competition is fierce, SOV emerges as a crucial predictor of brand health and potential market share growth – underscored by research from industry luminaries like Les Binet, Peter Field, and John Philip Jones—highlights the strategic importance of maintaining an excess share of voice.


The Value of Third-Party Expertise

Engaging third-party experts in B2B tech communications provides companies with a strategic advantage in linking share of voice (SOV) to ROI through a range of tactical approaches. These experts specialize in B2B tech communications and content creation among various technology industries, bringing a wealth of experience, industry insights, and proven methodologies to elevate a company’s SOV effectively.

One key tactic is the use of comprehensive data analysis to track SOV performance. These experts employ advanced analytics tools such as Muck Rack, SEMrush and learned reporting techniques to monitor and measure the impact of communication efforts on SOV metrics and website traffic. This data-driven approach allows for real-time assessment of campaign effectiveness, identification of areas for improvement, and optimization of strategies to maximize SOV gains.

Third-party experts leverage industry benchmarks and best practices to guide SOV initiatives. By benchmarking against competitors and industry standards companies will gain valuable insights into market trends, competitive positioning, and areas of opportunity. This informed approach ensures that SOV efforts are aligned with industry norms and optimized for maximum impact allowing for companies to do more with less enabling more strategic planning.

It’s crucial to continuously optimize communication strategies based on insights gained from data analysis and benchmarking. This iterative process involves refining messaging, targeting, and channels to enhance SOV performance and drive tangible ROI. By staying agile and adaptable, third-party experts ensure that SOV initiatives remain effective in dynamic market environments.


Long-Term Value and Cohesive Messaging 

The Forrester’s 2023 B2B Brand and Communications Survey underscores a notable concern among marketing leaders, with 44% expressing that their messaging does not effectively address the diverse needs of their audiences. To tackle this challenge and create long-term value, marketing leaders must adopt a strategic, message-focused approach. This approach includes:

  • Gaining deep insights into your company’s vertical markets, including industry trends, competition, customer pain points, and evolving demands. Prioritize segments based on growth potential, customer needs, and strategic fit to tailor marketing strategies for higher engagement, SOV gain, and conversion rates.
  • Utilizing share of voice (SOV) strategically by allocating resources to key channels where your target audience is active. Design targeted communication campaigns delivering relevant content to capture attention and drive meaningful interactions, maximizing SOV impact for enhanced brand awareness and perception.
  • Elevating brand visibility beyond recognition by establishing credibility and thought leadership. Create valuable content, secure bylines, speak at industry events, and collaborate with influencers to deepen connections with stakeholders, foster brand loyalty, and advocacy over time.
  • Standing out in today’s competitive landscape by actively participating in industry conversations through various platforms. Engage in relevant discussions, share valuable perspectives, and highlight your unique value proposition to position your tech company as innovative and forward-thinking, attracting potential customers and partners.
  • Maintaining consistency in unified messaging across all touchpoints to build a strong and recognizable brand identity. Collaborate with departments like sales, product development, and customer service to align messaging. Engage with third-party experts to reinforce brand values, communicate a coherent brand story, and enhance brand recall and trust.
  • Prioritizing transparency in communication and operations, delivering clear and honest information to stakeholders. Foster trust by fulfilling promises, maintaining consistency, and demonstrating integrity. Cultivate loyalty through customer rewards, acknowledging contributions, and consistently delivering value that exceeds expectations.


Communicating SOV Value to the C-Suite

In the realm of B2B tech communications, effectively communicating the strategic value of share of voice (SOV) data to tangible business outcomes is paramount. Marketing leaders are faced with doing more with less so their role in articulating this linkage to the C-suite is pivotal for securing buy-in and driving impactful decisions. Here are tactical insights and research-backed strategies to help bridge the gap between SOV data and business success.

Linking share of voice (SOV) metrics to ROI and key business metrics involves showcasing concrete examples and industry benchmarks that illustrate how changes in SOV metrics directly impact ROI and other critical business metrics. For instance, when you launched a product did website traffic spike? Did that TechCrunch article result in sales leads? Is the Fortune byline linking back to your website? By highlighting these correlations, executives can discern the tangible impact of SOV data on bottom-line results, making it easier to grasp the strategic significance of tracking SOV metrics.

Another vital aspect is presenting data in visual dashboards and reports. Visualizing SOV data through interactive dashboards provided by tools like Muck Rack and comprehensive reports helps showcase trends, competitive positioning, and potential opportunities. Utilizing charts, graphs, and comparative analyses makes complex SOV data more accessible for the C-suite, enabling them to make informed decisions based on a clear and concise representation of the data.

Drawing on relevant research findings, organizations can effectively communicate the strategic value of SOV data. This alignment of communication efforts with business objectives facilitates informed decision-making and drives sustainable business growth within the competitive B2B tech landscape.


Linking SOV to Business Outcomes 

In conclusion, the strategic importance of share of voice (SOV) in B2B tech communications cannot be overstated. As marketing and PR functions navigate the complexities of challenging economic climates and heightened fiscal scrutiny, the ability to demonstrate a direct link between SOV metrics and tangible business outcomes becomes paramount.

Research studies, such as the “Share of Voice Rule” by industry experts like Binet and Field, underscore the correlation between maintaining an excess share of voice and achieving market growth. Engaging third-party experts in B2B tech communications offers a strategic advantage by employing tactical approaches like comprehensive data analysis, benchmarking against industry standards, and continuous optimization of communication strategies. This not only maximizes SOV gains but also drives tangible ROI and long-term value for businesses. Adopting a strategic message-focused approach is crucial for building long-term value. Marketing leaders must prioritize showcasing thought leadership, nurturing stakeholder relationships, and fostering unified messaging to set their companies apart in a competitive market.

Effectively communicating the strategic value of SOV data to the C-suite involves linking SOV metrics to ROI and key business metrics, and presenting data in visual dashboards and reports. By following these research-backed strategies, organizations can bridge the gap between SOV data and business success, driving sustainable growth in the dynamic B2B tech landscape.

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How to Maximize the Value of Events

Industry events are beneficial for a myriad of reasons. Not only do they let companies connect with potential customers, meet other like minded individuals and learn new things in their industry, but they are also an excellent way to elevate a company’s or an individual’s thought leadership platform and brand awareness. According to Allied Market Research, the global events industry market is projected to reach $2.1 trillion by 2032. This illustrates the significance of events, despite the evolving landscape over the years.


Trends in the Event Space

Events in 2024 look different than they have years prior. One large reason for that is due to the pandemic when all events were canceled or postponed due to the global virus. Now, hybrid models for events are becoming the norm, with many in-person events now offering some hybrid component to their packages. In addition to offering flexible attendance, events are now hyper focused on the attendee experience. The main goal of hosting events is to attract people and ensure they want to attend your events in the future. While providing compelling and enticing speakers is still highly important, events today also focus on entertainment and recreational activities to create memorable experiences and keep attendees engaged. Take SXSW for example, an annual event that takes place in Austin, Texas. SXSW is a week-long conference featuring numerous keynote speakers, alongside live music performances, a comedy festival and multiple creative art exhibitions. Events that blend business and fun embody the saying ‘work hard, play hard’, making the event worthwhile for the attendee.

Furthermore, we are increasingly seeing organizations strive to create events that provide accessibility to all – this includes keeping attendees with certain disabilities/needs in mind as well as creating experiences that are inclusive and help create belonging. An excellent example of this approach is SaaStr Annual, a B2B software conference that provides an opportunity to win a free VIP pass to their event for individuals from underrepresented backgrounds, including women, people with disabilities, LGBTQ individuals and veterans. Interested attendees must complete a brief application and then will be entered into a raffle for selection. It is essential for events to be inclusive of individuals from different backgrounds including abilities, religions, ethnicities, sexual backgrounds and more.


Maximizing the Value of Events with PR 

Events can be very expensive, and companies should plan to dedicate a significant amount of time researching how each event will impact their business in terms of: the audience/attendees, the caliber of companies participating, the awareness opportunities, if speaking will make an impact, if thought leadership or networking is needed, and more. There’s a lot that goes into consideration, however, your PR firm can do all the heavy lifting for you.

Here are a few ways companies can maximize the value of events with PR:

  • Speaking sessions: Benefits of speaking at an event include capturing attention from a targeted and high-value audience, demonstrating industry leadership with thought-provoking content and elevating your brand/company’s profile with key audiences.
  • Live interviews at events: When partnering with a PR firm, oftentimes they are able to secure the media list of journalists who will be attending that event. After receiving the list, it is crucial to review each journalist to determine if they are a fit for a live interview/meeting during the event. If there is a match, your PR firm can help prep you for the interview. The objective of these interviews is to have a reporter feature your company in their story and to build a relationship with that reporter, increasing the likelihood that they will use you as a source for future articles.
  • Post-show initiatives: Even after the event concludes, there are opportunities to maximize PR efforts around attending an event. One idea is to pitch a byline with the executive/employee who attended the event on lessons learned or top trends stemming from the event. Companies can also utilize social media content from the event for the following weeks/months. This can be throughout pictures, videos, recap blogs, and LinkedIn Live sessions to discuss key takeaways from the event.


Biggest Challenges

One of the biggest challenges with attending industry events is breaking through the noise. Of course it depends on the size of the event, but there are likely going to be dozens of other companies attending the same event who are also competing for a speaking slot, media interviews and networking opportunities. The way to stand out amongst the crowd is to have a defined goal when you enter the event. Having a goal will help you stay focused. If your goal is to secure a speaking session or schedule interviews with relevant journalists, make sure that your pitch is memorable and unique. Reporters are bombarded with elevator pitches during events, so it is imperative to make yours attention-grabbing.


While there are several details to consider when debating attending an event, it is important to evaluate how the event aligns with your company’s objectives and goals. Consider the significance of the event to your industry, the potential networking/speaking opportunities, and the value of the content and the speakers. Most of Karbo Com’s clients utilize our event expertise to help drive visibility that contributes to their larger marketing goals.

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The Definitive Guide to Executive Thought Leadership in 2024

o cut through the noise of the ever rotating news cycle, cutting edge product launches and company news, it is important that the executive spokespeople, also known as “faces of the company,” have strategic thought leadership campaigns running on an ongoing basis. A successful thought leadership campaign will lend itself to unquestioned market authority and recognition, while tangentially boosting your company by proxy. What’s more, thought leadership elevates an executive’s profile, emphasizes their areas of passion, and humanizes brands by highlighting the voices and brilliant minds behind today’s most innovative companies.

This blog will outline key considerations for building and maintaining a strong thought leadership presence – read on to learn more:

Identify areas of interest

The first step to creating a thought leadership campaign is to zero in on your thought leader’s areas of expertise and interest. It is important to align with executives on the topics they are comfortable (and hopefully eager) to discuss with reporters. Bonus points if they can offer a unique or contrary perspective or timely insight that reflects the current news cycle. Topics of interest typically lie somewhere within the technological areas and verticals of their company, but can expand to personal interest as well.

Sometimes, it’s both! Karbo Com worked with an executive who held unique expertise on edtech marketing and also had a passion for extreme sports. We worked the two into a thought leadership byline, Agile Marketing Lessons Learned from Off-Road Racing, that clearly demonstrated the expertise and actionable takeaways about marketing for the edtech sector, but also gave some flavor to what kind of person our executive is and what really gets her blood pumping. This helped to develop a strong personal brand and differentiated her from the pack, in turn reflecting positively on the company she worked for.

Why it’s important to stay vendor-neutral (there’s a time and a place to be promotional)

Critically important to a successful thought leadership campaign is knowing when to remain vendor neutral and when it’s appropriate to promote your product or company. It’s strongly advised that thought leadership campaigns are vendor-neutral when showcasing the expertise of your spokesperson on a variety of topics or verticals. Most reporters will not be inclined to publish a quote or feature your thought leaders in an article if they’re constantly peppering in promotional details about your company or product. There is a time and a place for company and product coverage, but building an executive’s personal brand and demonstrating their knowledge of the market while providing thoughtful commentary on a trend is not the place for it. Thought leadership campaigns are a great way for executives to branch out from their company narrative and let them address the challenges and forward-looking opportunities that impact their market.

Keep it interesting by diversifying thought leadership content

There are many great options for how an executive can showcase their thought leadership. From being quoted in an article, to recording a podcast, writing a contributed byline, providing expert commentary on breaking news and even posting meaningful content on LinkedIn – all are viable ways to maintain authority on the market as a thought leader. In diversifying where thought leadership content appears, you can expand audience reach. Try not to lean too far in one direction as a balance of quoted commentary, podcast spots, contributed bylines and broadcast will yield the strongest mix of readers/listeners.

A great option to ensure a steady cadence of thought leadership content is to encourage executives to join a council, like the Forbes Technology Council, or become a dedicated guest contributor to a reputable publication, and publish bylines on a regular cadence. This allows you the flexibility of submitting articles for publication on your own timeline in addition to showcasing creativity around a set of contributor guidelines for publication.

As with any media coverage, it’s encouraged to promote your published pieces on executive’s personal social channels for higher visibility among their personal and professional networks, along with the audience of whatever platform they’ve been featured on.

Secure placements in publications that are relevant for your target audience

This one may seem obvious, but it’s important to know your target audience and understand what publications they read and trust. There would be little impact to a thought leadership campaign if you’re not reaching the correct target audience. When evaluating possible opportunities, your agency will audit media kits, analyze the target audience and ensure the proper fit.

Reaching the right target audience can be beneficial for future networking opportunities and also for overall brand visibility and association with certain technologies or focus areas. Additionally, being featured on target platforms can have a positive impact on SEO for your company website or personal LinkedIn page as there can be opportunity for backlinking, ultimately making it easier for your target audience to find you and your company with a Google search.

Longevity of thought leadership

Building a thought leadership campaign that flourishes over time is a marathon, not a sprint. As with the regular news cycle, a thought leadership campaign will ebb and flow. Remember to tackle opportunities that are within your executives’ areas of expertise, with reputable publications and platforms and those that will reach your target audience.

As your company’s executives build credibility and domain expertise, more opportunities are bound to present themselves. It’s a snowball effect that our teams at Karbo Com have seen time and time again.

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4 Ways to Use Social Media to Garner Media Attention in 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving digital age, social media has emerged as one of the most powerful and strategic communications tools. It empowers companies to more effectively shape their brand narratives, increase the reach of their content and engage with their audience. It’s also a powerful channel for PR professionals to connect with journalists, as reporters increasingly turn to social for story ideas, research, sources, and industry trends. In fact, a 2022 Pew Research survey found that 94% of journalists in the U.S. use social media for their job. To effectively leverage social media for PR and gain media attention, companies should adopt a strategic approach. Here are four key strategies to employ in 2024:

Identify Newsworthy Content

In bids for media attention, brand representatives should have a thorough understanding of important market trends and what each journalist cares about. This often comes down to discerning which aspects of your company or industry are newsworthy—and which are not. Journalists are typically interested in important company product launches, new partnerships, customer success stories, and thought-provoking industry insights on emerging trends. Always publicize company news across your social channels and incorporate relevant keywords and hashtags that are appropriate to your industry to make it easier for journalists to discover and cover your stories. Some reporters don’t mind being pitched via platforms such as  X, but it’s important you do your research externally or through a media database like Muck Rack or Cision to check their communication preferences beforehand. Some reporters have a negative reaction to being pitched via their social channels, so know their individual preferences before you reach out. Otherwise you’ll run the risk of annoying them and coming across as uninformed.

The Power of Trendjacking and Leveraging Hashtags 

Trendjacking involves capitalizing on trending topics, news stories or popular conversations. The power of trendjacking lies in its ability to make your content relevant, timely, and shareable. When done effectively, trendjacking can help your brand become part of a broader conversation, reach a larger audience, and help to establish credibility within your industry. To stay well-informed about current events and industry news, use tools such as Google Trends to identify what’s currently capturing public interest. Trends have a short lifespan—brands should be prepared to act quickly. Share your content while the topic is still hot and you’ll have a better shot at getting noticed. Ensure that your perspective is novel and thought-provoking, so that you’re providing unique value to journalists and contributing positively to an ongoing conversation, versus merely regurgitating existing information.

When you decide to get involved in an industry discussion on social, leverage relevant and trending hashtags. This not only helps your content become more discoverable by journalists who are following or searching for content related to a specific topic or trend, but it also allows you to quickly find out which journalists are commenting on trends. Share and repost their content, while adding your own perspective. Ensure you’re tagging them when you do. This helps to not only increase your visibility with that journalist, but helps to build that relationship over time.

Utilize Social Listening

Leverage social media management tools like Karbo Com’s longtime client Hootsuite to monitor social media conversations and identify trends, keywords, and topics that journalists are talking about the most. This provides you with an opportunity to align your content with their interests and angles. By staying informed about what’s relevant in your industry, you can also leverage sophisticated social listening tools to craft pitches that resonate with key journalists in your industry and increase your chances of securing media coverage.

Build Authentic Relationships

Building relationships with journalists and industry influencers on social media is a two-way street. Research and identify key journalists, influencers, and thought leaders in your niche and engage with their social content. Customize your outreach to the individual. Share relevant news, repost their content, comment thoughtfully, and establish genuine connections over time. These relationships can lead to media coverage and collaborations that boost your PR efforts.

Embracing the power of social media can be the key to success in today’s competitive PR landscape. It requires strategic thinking, a deep knowledge of the market and players, an aggressive approach,  a great deal of groundwork and lightning speed to get ahead. It’s a big job and most of Karbo Com’s clients ask our social savvy experts to drive their efforts.

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Rise Above The Noise: Three Proven Strategies for Breaking Into The News Cycle

By actively participating in timely news narratives, your business has the opportunity to address topical issues, showcase your expertise, and establish a distinct and reputable voice that will resonate with your target audience.

However, breaking into the news cycle is not an easy task. You’ll have to vie with competing sources, navigate resource constraints, and weigh ethical considerations. The news cycle is like a bustling metropolis with countless competing voices. To stand out, you need a well-crafted plan and a bold voice that cuts through the noise.

So, what’s the key to breaking into the news cycle? There are three proven strategies:

Prepare in Advance

To increase your chances of breaking into the news cycle effectively, it is essential to plan ahead. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Predict significant news cycles: Study repeat patterns and trends in your industry to anticipate potential news events. For instance, a comms team in the security industry may identify national hacks as an upcoming news item based on historic patterns. This predictive approach will give you a head start in planning your media strategy.
  • Develop pre-approved commentary: Create pre-approved statements or commentary based on anticipated breaking news categories. Having this in place enables faster response times and ensures your messaging aligns with your brand values.
  • Prepare B-roll footage: Identify likely scenarios that could drive broadcast coverage based on your industry. These scenarios will need to be tied to hard news and have a strong visual component. Gather B-roll footage of activities or processes that are related to breaking news in your industry. For example, if you’re in the manufacturing industry, you can capture footage of production lines, workers or machinery in action. Being prepared with visual assets can significantly increase your chances of getting media attention.
  • Hold mock sessions: Conduct mock sessions with your executive team or spokespeople to prepare them for potential live interactions with reporters. Focus on how to deliver key messages quickly and effectively. Avoid self-promotion at all costs. It will turn reporters off from re-engaging when relevant breaking news hits. You will also want to prepare executives on how to use bridging and flagging techniques to maintain control over the interview.
  • Prepare tough questions: Anticipate challenging questions that reporters may ask and prepare your spokespeople to respond confidently and accurately. This proactive approach will help to build trust and credibility with journalists.

One example of how preparation paid off is the case of securing timely press coverage for Brevo ahead of Valentine’s Day. Prior to Valentine’s Day, the KC team pre-pitched a story to TODAY offering expert insight from the CEO of Brevo on how small businesses are reimagining Valentine’s Day during the pandemic.

Provide Real Value

To break into the news cycle effectively, it is crucial to provide real value to reporters and their readers. This means understanding and prioritizing what journalists might need from your company, rather than just focusing on what your company needs from journalists. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Reach reporters at the right time: Understand the current phase of the news cycle and identify the best opportunities to connect with reporters. There are three main phases to consider:
    • First wave: This occurs when a major event takes place. Journalists are racing against the clock to gather facts and publish reports. Providing essential facts and preliminary insights during this phase can position your company as a credible source.
    • Second wave: As new developments emerge, stories take on a new shape. Journalists dive deeper into the topic, seeking insights from subject matter experts and exploring the larger implications of the news. Offering unique perspectives and expert commentary during this phase can help push the story forward.
    • Third wave: This phase involves reflection on the news, in-depth analysis, and evaluating the widespread impact. Different types of news outlets, such as The Atlantic, ride this wave by focusing on in-depth reporting. This phase presents opportunities for bylines that offer thoughtful perspectives that go against the grain.
  • Tips for reaching reporters: Meet reporters where they are. Use various communication channels such as Signal, email, or phone calls to connect with reporters. Remember to always be respectful of a reporter’s communication preferences. If they say don’t call them or don’t pitch them on X, don’t do it.
  • Ensure executive qualification: Make sure your executive or spokesperson is qualified to speak on the topic at hand. When pitching reporters, highlight their background, current job focus, and strong connection to the issue. Reporters are interested in speaking with business leaders who can provide clarity and unique insights.
  • Strengthen your offer: Provide multiple sources and resources to reporters, showcasing your network of experts who can offer unique perspectives. Tap into internal data or research to support your executive’s perspective.
  • Be flexible and accessible: Be adaptable to journalists’ needs. Offer the option to draft and share commentary or connect them directly with your executive. Giving journalists access to key sources eliminates unnecessary back and forth.

One example of how providing value paid off is a Fortune byline the KC team secured for the CEO of Subtext. Immediately following news of a Facebook outage, the KC team offered the Fortune commentary editor a byline from Mike offering a unique perspective on the news. This byline fell within the second wave of the breaking news cycle and offered a new narrative that tied back to Mike’s business expertise.


Think like a Journalist

Understanding the motivations and needs of journalists is vital when trying to break into the news cycle.

Ask yourself the following questions before approaching a journalist:

    • Why does it matter? Clarify why the perspective your offering is relevant for the journalist and the journalist’s audience.
    • Can you provide the right expertise? Explain why the spokesperson your offering has the right qualifications and can offer something of interest to the reporter and their audience. Journalists look for sources that can provide unique and compelling insights.
    • Is the timing right? Timing is crucial. If you’re approaching reporters long after the news has gone live they have likely moved on to cover a new story.
    • Is your spokesperson accessible? Make it easy for journalists to reach the spokesperson. If the spokesperson isn’t willing to jump on the phone at a moment’s notice, you may want to reconsider your offer. Journalists need to move quickly and may only have a few minutes for a quick phone call.

Adopting a journalist’s mindset and considering these questions will help you better prepare for the next news cycle.

These strategies will help you optimize your approach to breaking into the news cycle and enhance your chances of capturing media attention. Remember to stay on top of the news cycle by monitoring relevant news platforms, TV stations, and going directly to trusted sources like official press pages to respond to developments promptly. Finally, avoid being overly promotional as journalists seek sources that can provide genuine insights rather than shameless plugs for products or services.

By mastering the art of breaking into the news cycle, you can establish your brand as a credible and influential voice in your industry. It can also open the door for future opportunities where reporters come back to you for commentary time and time again.

Remember, success in breaking into the news cycle is a continuous process of staying informed, adapting, and building relationships with journalists. By thinking like a journalist and providing value, you can become a trusted source and gain a competitive edge in the media landscape.

MAIN: This is Single

Pioneering Public Relations and Digital Marketing through AI Ingenuity

Artificial Intelligence is dominating headspace and headlines and most knowledge workers are quickly finding that their roles will begin to transform (if they haven’t already). At Karbo Communications, we’ve been working with AI startups for over 25 years, so AI isn’t new to us. We’ve helped drive awareness and success around monetizing AI technology and we’re lucky to partner with enterprise technology companies leading this new wave of AI innovation and discovery. Their work, along with an explosion of consumer AI tools and technologies – from ChatGPT to content creation platforms – have sparked creativity, debate, and action across our team about the role AI can and should play in increasing the efficacy and efficiency of virtually all marketing.

At our agency, we’re committed to deploying AI where it adds the most value for our clients and benefits the work we care deeply about doing, each day. Since the use of AI in knowledge work is largely undefined and unregulated, we’ve formed a group within the company that is responsible for defining how AI is used within our organization and how we extend the use of AI out to work performed on behalf of clients. As part of this effort, we’re consistently examining how AI can (and should) be used to further elevate the brand awareness and media results that we achieve for clients, while upholding the highest security and ethical standards.  We’ve initiated development of an internal code of ethics that provides essential guardrails to ensure the highest levels of security and legal requirements are met.

Considerations About the Value and Importance of AI in Public Relations 

When thinking about the value AI can offer PR practitioners, we see tremendous promise in terms of automating time-intensive research and enhancing creative processes that inform PR strategy, campaign creation and narrative development. Intelligent algorithms that find patterns in data that are undetectable to manual processes – for example, spotting nuanced information hidden in audience sentiment – strengthens the intention and strategy behind the work that we do for clients, and sharpens our ability to make the right connections with audiences.

A host of visual content creation tools – from PowerPoint generators and beyond – means hours spent developing the perfect deck can be dramatically shortened, freeing PR teams up for more important and strategic tasks.  We’re learning from that AI tools are adept at managing tabular data, so performing administrative and operational tasks, like creating budgets and forecasts, can largely be automated and edited versus starting from scratch.

Innovation from our Clients

Our valued clients like Hootsuite, Penguin Computing and Cornelis Networks play important and innovative roles within the AI landscape today.

  • Hootsuite helps customers harness the power of social to ignite their brands and businesses. As a global leader in the social media management space, the company recently launched an AI-powered content generator so that instant captions, post ideas and more are easier to create and more efficient than ever before.
  • Penguin Computing enables customers to capture value from emerging technologies like AI through a rich solutions and services portfolio that spans the edge, core, and cloud computing continuum. Penguin Computing has delivered an AI-optimized architecture and managed services for the AI Research SuperCluster (RSC) — Meta’s cutting-edge AI supercomputer for AI research.
  • Cornelis Networks delivers a high-performance network, enabling the infrastructure performance and scale required to run technical computing (HPC and AI) applications, systems, and workloads. Without Cornelis Networks, some of the world’s most important government research, life sciences, manufacturing, and commercial uses of this technology would not be as performant as they are today.

AI has brought us to a seminal time in PR and marketing.  How our work is performed and more importantly, how we deliver value that enables our customers to win is being rearchitected. Public relations activities that use AI technology responsibly, ethically, creatively, and intentionally will likely be the firms to drive enhanced value around brand and content strategy, community and audience engagement, media visibility and overall marketing value for clients.

MAIN: This is Single

When “disruption” isn’t enough: Making a fintech brand stick

It’s been almost 30 years since the late venture capitalist, Harvard Business School professor and business theorist Clayton Christensen coined the concept of “disruptive technology” in an article in the Harvard Business Review (and later in his book The Innovator’s Dilemma).  It’s a term that doesn’t seem to go out of style as, to this day, startups still seem to gravitate toward this concept as their key differentiator.  The reality is for fintechs, being “disruptive” is just the barrier to entry, not a branding message.

Financial services has transformed dramatically since the 1990s as companies ranging from banking to brokerage to credit cards to insurance and beyond began to embrace the potential of the internet. In the process of doing so, a whole new category of companies – fintechs – emerged, based on being internet-centric entities. So many of them positioned themselves as “disruptive” or “leveling the playing field” that the terminology became ubiquitous, making the companies themselves practically interchangeable.

But times have changed.  These companies (especially in the B2B space) are no longer “staid”, rather they are looking to break from the pack in a unique way and do so in a way that mirrors their brand promise. One look at the website for the payment processor Square and you might think you’re on the site for Apple or Samsung.  And it’s this type of approach that reverberates throughout their messaging – one based on product simplicity and “people first” rather than the technology.

When it comes to a fintech brand, following are a few more ways to build a brand for the long term, focusing on the customer and not the technology that underpins the business:

  • Creativity can be the calling card of your B2B brand: For decades, B2B brands, including those in fintech, were…how to put this politely…staid. They were focused more on product benefits, cost savings, technological innovation and other business drivers.  But recent research from LinkedIn shows that an overwhelming majority of senior marketing executives (89%) believe brand building is just as important to driving long-term revenue growth in B2B as it is in consumer marketing. Furthering this, more than two thirds (69%) of B2B marketers believe B2B purchasing decisions are just as emotionally driven as B2C. This explains why 81% of senior B2B marketers believe B2B brands are producing increasingly creative campaigns rivaling consumer brands.  So it’s ok to be disruptive when it comes to your marketing.
  • Talk with, not at, your customers/prospects: The issue that so many marketing initiatives (e.g., advertising, direct email/mail, collateral material) is that it’s a one-way conversation. Your business tells them what you want them to know and hope that’s enough to drive their decision.  With the advent of social media through platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter, this opens up the channel for prospects to speak directly to the company and learn more about you.  So use that to your advantage. Famed consultant Peter Drucker once said, “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” Through social media, you’re able to find out more about the customer because that person is telling it directly to you.
  • Gamification? Yes, really: For years, fintechs have steered clear of anything that reflects the intersection of financial services and games, believing it reinforces an unfounded belief that there’s a connection between investing and casinos. But recent studies have shown that gamification is becoming a key drive to growing fintech brands – specifically digital banks – because they help forge a connection between the customer/prospect and the company. Modor Intelligence projects the market to grow at a CAGR of 26.5% until 2027, partly due to the fact that companies have seen up to a 700% increase in conversion rates.  And gamification isn’t just the domain of startups either.  BBVA, PNC and Ally have all deployed gamification programs in recent years, and there’s no reason to believe this will change. So look for ways to augment your site through gamification or other features knowing that it might just result in increasing those conversion rates.

Developing a brand in the rapidly changing world of fintech is a huge undertaking. The brand needs to speak to your customers and prospects while differentiating itself from all the other players. Making it stick is even harder, but by building a creative brand, talking with your customers/prospects and deploying programs like gamification, you can deliver on the brand promise people will value for a long time to come.


It Takes Two: Your Part in the Agency/Client Partnership Equation

Hiring a marketing agency is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a CEO or marketing leader. I’m always grateful when current and former clients thank Karbo Com for the important role we play in the success of their companies. As in any relationship—whether it’s a business alliance or a personal relationship— success depends on the quality of contributions of both parties.

Some companies search for an agency as if they are seeking the holy grail of marketing success. They search for a partner that, once hired, will take the reins, and make success automatically appear. Take this laissez-faire approach at your own peril. As you embark on the journey to find the best partner, do some hard thinking about what your company’s willing and able to contribute to ensure a successful relationship.

  • Before you begin the search, outline the specific results you expect. Are you looking to drive well-qualified prospects to your home page? To effectively position your company against competitors? Ensure you’re included in key analyst reports? A combination of these and more? PR and digital marketing objectives should flow from your business objectives. Articulate your marketing goals as a subset of these business objectives.
  • Ensure the key members of the c-suite have a sincere belief in marketing, PR and any program you hope to undertake. While the marketing team may run the program, other groups such as the product management team, sales, and finance, can derail efficacy if they aren’t committed to what it takes to be successful—time, money, subject matter experts, credible success metrics, and referenceable customers.
  • Karbo Com devotes senior resources to our clients daily, but no agency can run a successful effort without the support of an internal advocate that can get them the information and approvals they need. The main contact for your agency must have the appropriate amount of leverage, access and power needed to drive action.
  • Set your budgets before you reach out. Some companies will use the agency search process to determine budget and seek the lowest price for what they view as comparable services. While this approach might feel like it makes fiscal sense, it leaves you more vulnerable to bringing on a partner who is a less-than-stellar fit for your business goals. You could end up investing even more resources in the long run without an agency that is better suited for your marketing needs. Look at what other companies in your category, stage of growth and market position are spending. Acquire budget approval for the entire year. As Regis McKenna would frequently say when I worked at his seminal firm, “It’s a process, not an event.”
  • Be realistic about the challenges you face. Is it limited sales, lack of awareness among prospects, negative social commentary, a white-hot competitor that’s stealing the oxygen out of the room, or a dated, ineffective website? Recommended narratives, objectives, strategies and programs can vary greatly depending on these factors.
  • Can your team acknowledge the good, the bad and the ugly? While we expect clients to be true believers, smart partners will be fully transparent and honest with themselves and us. Undoubtedly, your team is a source of wisdom when it comes to your company, products, and the market. Your agency assumes a essential position as well. They will conduct research, have market insight and years of experience that will help you take advantage of opportunities and overcome challenges.
  • If your relationship with a previous agency has failed, take an unvarnished look at why. Are there things you learned and want to integrate into your programs? What can you do differently to help your partner succeed? Carry these insights into your agency selection process.

You’ve spent months, probably years mapping out your corporate, technology, product, and business plans. Don’t put all of that to waste by rushing through the agency selection process. Determine your objectives, market analysis, resources and the specific help and performance you’ll need before you reach out to prospective partners. Be prepared to cull your agency options down to an adequate and manageable two to four options, allocate time to brief the agencies prior to asking for a proposal. Give prospects enough time to present a thoughtful, quality response and your team enough time to make a formal decision. If you’re still working with an agency, give them the appropriate amount of notice before terminating your contract. Be aware of how terminating your relationship will affect your business and theirs. Treating them with respect goes a long way towards ensuring a smooth transition between agencies.

Selecting an agency partner is one of the most important decisions you’ll make this year. Don’t short-shrift the process. Finding a PR, content and marketing partner will accelerate the success of your company, making you the hero of your corporate story in the process.


Zeguro CEO On How To Overcome Cybersecurity Marketing Challenges

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and the transition to remote work, the number of reported cyber attacks has skyrocketed, highlighting the critical need for greater cybersecurity adoption. The growth of the cybersecurity industry has soared over the last couple of years with digital transformation, regulatory compliance, increased security threats due to COVID-19, and response capabilities all playing a role, according to a recent Gartner report. Global information security and risk management end-user spending is now forecasted to reach $174.5 billion in 2022.

While the industry is booming, countless cybersecurity companies are jockeying for a piece of that business. It’s becoming increasingly difficult for cybersecurity companies to differentiate themselves in a saturated market, and for many, breaking through means overcoming critical marketing challenges around brand awareness, market education, and building trust.

To learn more about how cybersecurity companies are overcoming these challenges, Karbo Communications spoke to Zeguro’s CEO and co-founder Sidd Gavirneni, and Digital Marketing Manager Ellen Zhang. In a crowded market, Zeguro is managing to stand out. By integrating cybersecurity and cyber insurance, Zeguro is creating a new product category and finding a foothold with small and medium sized businesses. In our virtual “In the Know” discussion, Sidd and Ellen shared Zeguro’s strategies for building trust, educating target audiences, and gaining traction in the saturated cybersecurity market.


Tell us a little bit about what inspired you to start Zeguro and how you identified a need in the market for integrated cybersecurity solutions and insurance?

Sidd: I’ve been in cybersecurity for over 20 years. Prior to Zeguro, I was managing Polycom’s product portfolio and served on their information security board when they experienced a data breach. Typical phishing attack, you know, someone asking the HR person to send out employee data and he does. During the aftermath of that breach, I came to learn that dealing with cyber insurance can be a really painful process.

Around the same time, my Zeguro co-founder, Dan Smith, was in the process of renewing cyber insurance for the bank he was working for. It was a nightmare. The whole process was broken and it took him about three months just to renew. Also happening at this time, a friend of mine, who runs a clinic in Houston, experienced a data breach—another phishing attack. The small business need for better cybersecurity insurance was quickly coming into focus. So Dan and I co-founded Zeguro in 2016 to address this clear market need and to help small businesses. 


As an insurtech startup, what are a few ways you are positioning Zeguro as a better alternative to the more established and traditional insurance companies?

Sidd: Traditional insurance is sold through brokers. If a small business wants to get a cyber insurance policy, they go to a broker and have to fill out a two or three-page paper questionnaire. Then the broker sends the questionnaire to the insurer, and the insurer either approves or rejects them. If the insurer approves them, the broker sends a quote to the customer, who can then purchase the policy. This whole inefficient process can take up to a week or more. 

With the Zeguro platform, everything is digital and easy for the small business. They can get a quote and purchase their policy in less than five minutes. This is one way Zeguro is bringing insurance into the digital age.

And then the other piece is making insurance easy to understand for these businesses. If you look at our messaging, our website, and everything within the customer’s purview, you’ll see that we take great care to make all of the insurance legalese digestible and that we’re always clearly addressing the pain points of our customers. The same thing goes for security. 

Our approach of making cybersecurity and insurance easy and integrated is what makes us different from any other insurance company.


According to experts, cybersecurity is the fastest-evolving threat landscape insurers must deal with. Cyber attacks get more sophisticated and less predictable every day. While traditional insurance companies may struggle to keep pace, Zeguro appears uniquely positioned to succeed because of its integrated model. 

Can you elaborate on your key differentiators?

Sidd: Historically, cyber insurance companies have had a problem with data: no insurance company has enough data to create accurate pricing and better serve the customer by providing a tailored cyber insurance product.

That’s where Zeguro comes into play. Our approach of integrating cybersecurity with cyber insurance helps us better underwrite and provide tailored cyber insurance to our SMB customers in a way that our competitors can’t. Our approach to cyber risk management is uniquely holistic. Zeguro makes it easy for small businesses to understand cybersecurity by making it approachable and telling them exactly what they need to do to also save on their insurance. Zeguro customers who buy our insurance get the security platform for free. And customers who buy our security platform get insurance at a lower premium cost because their risks are lower. It’s this integrated approach that makes Zeguro unique.


You have an extensive background in strategic management and product portfolio management working at companies like Polycom and Accept Corporation. How has your previous professional experience influenced Zeguro and its integrated business model?

Sidd: It’s a combination of our team’s professional experiences and personal experiences that have influenced Zeguro to be who we are today. Personally, I grew up in India, moved to the US to Kansas, got my MBA in Spain, and now I’m here in the Bay Area. 

I was a software engineer by profession. So, my education centered around computer science and cybersecurity. I worked as a software engineer at a telecom company, and after a few years of that, I was ready to move towards more of the strategic aspects of business. 

My MBA was very much focused on entrepreneurship, and after my program, I started working more on business strategy and the product portfolio. It’s a combination of all of these experiences that have helped me to get to where I am today, and it’s our diverse, collective experiences as a team that have also helped us shape Zeguro. 


We would love to hear more about diversity at Zeguro. How does diversity contribute to Zeguro’s success?

Sidd: Customer satisfaction is central to Zeguro’s branding and identity. The only way the customer can be fully happy is when we best understand their needs and are able to empathize with them and help them achieve their goals. That’s one thing we have done very well. We have brought in that empathy, which we think is a direct result of our diverse team. 

As a team of 12, we have seven countries represented, males, females, LGBTQ, and people of all ages. Having a diverse team helps us work better with each other, but also creates team empathy which eventually flows to our customers. This combination of different views and perspectives is what gets us to keeping our customers happy and satisfied. Through that, we have had quite a few referrals and partnerships develop. Diversity plays a big role in who we are as a company.


How does Zeguro successfully attract such a diverse talent pool?

Sidd: We have a set of core values, and it’s those values we look for in a person versus just finding someone that fits into our culture. We believe that culture should evolve over time and everyone coming in helps shape the culture. So it’s more about those core values, and one of them is diversity. All of these values help us attract folks that believe in diversity. One thing that we do is use talent sourcing tools where we can hide the name and picture of the person and be neutral about things like looks and names.



What are a few of the biggest marketing challenges you face as a cybersecurity company and what strategies are you successfully employing to overcome them?

Sidd: I think the primary challenge, especially with cybersecurity in the SMB space, is awareness and education. Most small businesses don’t know what to do about cybersecurity. Everyone knows that they should be worried, but they have absolutely no idea what to do. And as a result, they just tend to ignore it. One of the biggest challenges that we face is how do we raise awareness without scaring people away from taking action?

Ellen: The other challenge is that we’re creating and defining a new product category by integrating insurance and cybersecurity. It’s not something that people know to search for on Google yet. How do we target the direct consumer? One strategy we’re testing out right now is partner marketing and growing our partnership program.

Sidd: For small businesses, it really comes down to who they know and what they trust. Our partners are already trusted advisors to smaller businesses, and they can be influential. So it’s really the influencer model that we believe will make a big difference in the cybersecurity and cyber insurance space for these SMBs.


As Zeguro leverages partnerships to build trust and recognition with its target market, what co-marketing strategies are proving to be most successful? 

Sidd: Zeguro provides full support to every partner that we work with by collaborating on co-branded materials from marketing collateral to webinars to email campaigns. We also have found a lot of mutual benefit in partnering with other security companies to create material that applies to both their customers and our customers in the security space.


Beyond partner marketing, what marketing tactics have proven to be most successful in connecting with that target customer? How has Zeguro tailored its approach to speak to them directly?

Ellen: On the cyber insurance side, using Google AdWords and paid search have been a really good way to get consistent leads. We’ve been doing pretty well and getting leads at a cheaper cost per lead than the market average for insurance. I think it’s been particularly successful for SMBs because they normally don’t have a dedicated risk manager who can work with different insurance firms and brokers to find cyber insurance solutions. So these people would be googling “cyber insurance coverage” and looking for solutions via Google. That’s been a good way for us to get in front of people.


Narrowing customer focus is one of the top marketing challenges cybersecurity companies face. How did Zeguro narrow in on small to midsize companies?

Sidd: The SMB space is extremely underserved when it comes to both cybersecurity and cyber insurance. While more than 60% of large enterprises have cyber insurance, less than 10% of small businesses have it. And yet, 69% of small businesses had a cyber breach in 2019 — that’s a huge number. Small businesses just don’t have the right tools. The security space is extremely fragmented, and most of those tools are geared towards large enterprises, not the SMB space.

Of course, talking to customers is the number one thing you can do to better understand their unique needs, but we also look at statistics and reports from organizations like the Small Business Administration. We take into account published information about the kinds of risks small businesses face, or FBI reporting on cybersecurity and breaches. We also take into account reports from companies like Symantec, which does a great job on their annual reports on the state of cybersecurity. All of these resources help us better understand and define who within the SMB space we should be targeting. 

To add to that, cybersecurity has different kinds of adopters. Early adopters are typically tech companies, because they often have a better understanding of cybersecurity even if they don’t have the expertise in-house. So we’re also looking at what the low hanging fruit is and where we don’t have to spend too much effort on awareness versus the other categories.


For a small business with little to no experience on navigating the complexities of cybersecurity, getting started can be a daunting task. How is Zeguro best positioned to help small businesses start inaugural cybersecurity programs, and how do you incorporate that expertise into your messaging?

Sidd: Businesses expect the same level of functionality and user friendliness from their vendors that they get from their personal apps and tools that they use in their day-to-day life. And that is one way that we make cybersecurity easy for these businesses; it’s all about that user experience of our platform on the security side. We try our best to not make it feel overwhelming for a business owner who has no tech experience to be able to get started with cybersecurity. We provide everything that the business needs to get started within the platform that they would otherwise have to get from a security consultant, who would charge them around $10,000 a year. In comparison, our Cyber Safety solution is as little as $59 a month.

Ellen: We position Zeguro as accessible, as you can tell by the language we use throughout our website and platform. The language is not very heavy on cybersecurity terms, as you would see for enterprise solutions that are speaking to dedicated IT or security teams. We’re really tailoring our message towards people who don’t necessarily understand much about cybersecurity or who are beginning their journey into building a cybersecurity program. 

And we focus on providing educational content on our landing pages. For example, on our cybersecurity overview page, we have statistics around the percentage of SMBs that experienced a data breach, how much an average data breach costs, and particular solutions. We explain why they should care about employee security training when the majority of businesses experience some type of phishing or social engineering attack. We focus our messaging on both the why and the how, but simplify it down so it’s easy to understand.

Sidd: Visual branding also plays an important role in this. Our brand colors — pink, purple, and navy — also make Zeguro fun and accessible, rather than the traditional, corporate-looking dark blue that every security or insurance company uses.


[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”#6cdbf9″ class=”” size=””]I don’t think that there’s any specific area that requires the most education. Every company and every person has a different idea and knowledge level when it comes to cybersecurity, so it’s really about addressing multiple aspects.[/perfectpullquote]


On the Zeguro resource page you have a consistent cadence of educational blog posts, ebooks, and guides. It’s clear that providing educational resources is a key component of your marketing strategy. 

What are the top education hurdles Zeguro faces and what tactics are your teams employing to overcome them?

Sidd: I don’t think that there’s any specific area that requires the most education. Every company and every person has a different idea and knowledge level when it comes to cybersecurity, so it’s really about addressing multiple aspects. Because as I was mentioning earlier, cybersecurity is about taking a holistic approach that addresses people, processes, and technology. Ignoring even a small piece of any of these three aspects can cause a breach. In our educational material, we make sure to focus on all three components.



Zeguro recently hosted a webinar with infosec expert Aaron Kraus on how startups can initiate an SOC 2 report. How effective are you finding these webinars at improving the existing customer experience or earning new business? 

Ellen: We’re really just starting on our webinar program, and as we pioneer this new channel for Zeguro, we’ll look to do joint webinars with each of the partners that we sign on. For example, one of our partners is Graphus, a company that helps protect against phishing attacks, so this fall, we are planning on doing a webinar around identifying phishing attacks and preventing them. And so they’re going to talk about their technology and how they can stop phishing attacks from the email perspective, and we’ll discuss how we can better train employees to recognize phishing attacks, and be more cyber-aware.

Sidd: I think these joint webinars will be important for us because there’s no one solution that can solve all the cybersecurity issues or problems. It will have to be multiple companies coming together in the ecosystem to fix the problems that these businesses face. So for us webinars with our partners is what will be the most fruitful.


[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”#6cdbf9″ class=”” size=””]As a security and an insurance company, the primary criteria that our customers look for is trustworthiness, and PR has helped us create that level of trust among our customers and partners.[/perfectpullquote]


What role does PR play in helping Zeguro meet its business objectives?

Sidd: As a security and an insurance company, the primary criteria that our customers look for is trustworthiness, and PR has helped us create that level of trust among our customers and partners. This is accomplished in large part through media coverage and articles related to our product launches, our partnerships with some of the world’s leading insurance companies, and recognition of Zeguro’s award wins. PR plays an essential role.


Late last month you published a report on the state of B2B SaaS cybersecurity, which notably highlighted that almost 84% percent of B2B SaaS companies have allocated budget to cybersecurity infrastructure in 2020. 

How do these reports support your marketing efforts, and how are you tracking ROI?

Ellen: We work with an SEO agency and a lot of our early efforts are focused on content marketing and research for the content. Part of the content mix are these big rock assets, like reports with original data. It’s about establishing thought leadership.

The decision to focus this report on B2B SaaS was strategic. Many of Zeguro’s early customers were young SaaS companies, so we figured that would be a good target market as they typically have a better understanding of technology and require a little less education than some of the mom and pop SMB shops. 

Tracking ROI for our content marketing is really about our brand awareness. Are we moving up in organic search rankings? Is our organic search traffic growing month to month, year over year? And are we getting more impressions and clicks for the keywords that we care about?


Have you been finding these reports to be an effective method for boosting Zeguro’s rankings?

Ellen: It’s a little too early to tell with this latest report, because we only just published it. But towards the beginning of the pandemic, we published a blog post with free security training resources for SMBs. And since that’s been published, it’s consistently been a top performer for our website and for organic traffic as people are searching for training resources. Especially now since everybody’s working remotely and it’s important to educate your employees.


COVID-19 has completely shifted the corporate landscape as many companies have pivoted to indefinite work from home systems. We’ve observed a dramatic surge and increased sophistication of cyber attacks amid COVID-19. 

How has this shift influenced the way Zeguro positions itself to prospective and existing clients? 

Sidd: We did not change the way that we talked about ourselves. However, the pandemic and increase in cyber attacks have only highlighted the need for a product like ours. So we started seeing that customers and potential customers started resonating more with the messaging that we already had. COVID acted as a catalyst for us.


Can you talk a little bit more about how COVID-19 has affected Zeguro’s business?

Sidd: Because of COVID, content has been performing very well for us. With very few marketing dollars, we are getting more paying customers and that’s a direct result of all of our content efforts over the last few months within the context of the current climate.


What’s on the horizon for Zeguro and the cybersecurity industry as we move into the second half of 2020?

Sidd: The industry itself will keep soaring, there’s no stopping that. Thanks to the upcoming elections, people are even more concerned and there will be even more cyber attacks. We anticipate gaining a lot more traction over the next few months as we focus more on our channels and partners. That’s where we see the industry shifting as SMBs rely more and more on tools and products that provide multiple things in one place. 

Ellen: The biggest thing for Zeguro will be growing our partnership program. I’ll be working with Sidd and Dan on account-based tactics to target potential partners and get them onboard so we can grow that marketplace.


This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity