CRM Matching: What Advertisers Aren’t Being Told About Scale

By Salim Tarazi, Director of U.S. Ad Operations at eBay Advertising

Given the “who’s who” list of platforms offering it, CRM matching has truly arrived. And why not? CRM matching is arguably the most advanced way for brands to connect the dots to their target audiences, and then help them deliver targeted messaging.

Among its many selling points, CRM matching can help advertisers reactivate latent customers, prospect for new customers, or exclude current customers from new advertising campaigns. CRM matching can also assist in reaching customers where they spend their daily screen time, whether on desktops, tablets, or, as studies show, increasingly in-app on smart phones. The sad truth is, when it comes to matching customers on a massive scale, advertisers are led to believe that the only way to scale affordably is to use a hybrid combination of probabilistic and deterministic CRM matching. There’s got to be a better way.


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